Bonus Coins

Available on April 5th


How To Buy on M8X

Delivery: 0-12H/100K
Security: ★★★★★
Inform: Email.

A. Leave 5000 coins at least in your account.
B. Don't login to your game account during delivery.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click the "FC 25".

2. Choose your console and the number of FC 25 coins you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, FUT coins will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Click "Withdraw" at the top right, find your order, and click "Withdraw".

5. Choose "Comfort Trade 6.0 On WEB APP" transfer method. Type your correct Origin account information below, then click "Submit". It will take minutes to verify your account, please wait patiently.

6. Check the withdrawal order status on "ME - Withdraw Orders". Please wait for a while until we complete the delivery, then log in to collect your coins.

Delivery: 0-24Hours
Security: ★★★★★
Inform: Email.

Please set the player's price and duration exactly as per the info provided by us.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click the "FC 25" button.

2. Choose your console and the number of FC 25 coins you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, FUT coins will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Click "Withdraw" at the top right, find your order, and click "Withdraw".

5. Choose "Player Auction 6.0".

6. Scroll down, type your EA account's current coins amount, click "Search" and get the search condition, and buy one of the eligible players in the game, then click "Next".

7. List the player you just bought on transfer market and set the player's price and duration exactly as per the information provided by us, then click "I Have Done".

8. Fill in your listed player's name, select the right one, then click "Search".

9. Our system will locate player cards automatically. Please confirm and choose the player card listed by you, then click "Buy Now".

10. Please wait for a while till we buy your player card, then log in to collect your coins.
You can repeat this process to withdraw more coins.

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haz clic en el botón "NBA 2K23".

2. Elija su consola y la cantidad de monedas MT que necesita, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

3. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar. Después de pagar con éxito, las monedas MT se agregarán a su saldo de miembro de M8X.

4. Elija "Retirar" y haga clic en su saldo de monedas MT.

5. Haga clic en "Subasta de jugadores".

6. Subaste su propia tarjeta en el mercado de transferencias del juego, establezca la duración de la subasta en 24 horas, establezca el precio inicial como un número aleatorio y establezca el precio de compra inmediata en 100K. Complete la información del jugador en el formulario según sea necesario y haga clic en "Enviar".

7. Verifique el estado del pedido de retiro en "ME - Retiro de pedidos". Espere un momento hasta que compremos su tarjeta de jugador, luego inicie sesión para recoger sus monedas.

Puede repetir este procedimiento para retirar más monedas.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click the "DIABLO 4" button.

2. Choose your server Construct SC or Eternal SC and the number of Diablo 4 Gold you need, and click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, Gold will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Choose "Withdraw" and click Diablo 4 Gold balance.

5. Click "DIABLO withdraw".

6. Fill in the information in the form as required and click "Submit".

7. After submission, you will receive in-game contact information from the trader within the agreed-upon online period and then complete the delivery. You can check the withdrawal order status under "ME - Withdraw Orders".

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haz clic en el botón "Ítems de DIABLO 4".

2. Haga clic en "Artículos de Diablo 4", elija el artículo que desea comprar y luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

3. Ingrese su nombre de personaje, BattleTag, tiempo en línea y la cantidad del artículo, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

4. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar.

5. Después de pagar con éxito, recibirá información de contacto en el juego del comerciante dentro del período de tiempo en línea acordado y luego completará la entrega. Puede comprobar el estado del pedido en "YO - Mis pedidos". No dude en comunicarse con nosotros a través de Live Chat para obtener ayuda durante el proceso.

6. Después de recibir los artículos de Diablo 4, cambiaremos el estado del pedido a "Delivery Completed". Puede dejar sus comentarios una vez que se complete el pedido.

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haz clic en "DIABLO 4".

2. Ingrese su nivel de inicio y el nivel deseado, o elija el paquete de nivelación que desea por categoría, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

3. Ingrese el correo electrónico de su cuenta, la contraseña, el nombre del personaje y su plataforma de juego, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

4. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar.

5. Después de pagar con éxito, contáctenos a través de Live Chat, necesitaremos un código de verificación para iniciar sesión. Puede comprobar el estado del pedido en "YO - Mis pedidos - Historial de pedidos".

6. Una vez hecho todo, cambiaremos el estado del pedido a "D4 Powerleveling Completed" y le enviaremos un correo electrónico. Le invitamos a dejar sus comentarios después de completar el pedido.

1. Select your platform and order amount, then provide us with your EPIC account Email, and password on the pop-up. Then complete the payment.

Attention: You can get your EPIC account email on official website. Players on PS4 can purchase V-Bucks on PC if the account is associated with PC platform.

2. After payment, Please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login.

1. Xbox users please associate your account with Epic. You can do this here.
2. Wait for top-up and do not log in to your account until your order status is marked as "Delivery Completed" to guarantee smooth delivery service. (You can check the order status in your M8X account.) Unauthorized login will lead to Top Up failure. We will not be able to help you in this case. Thanks for understanding.
3. Players with connected Facebook or Google accounts must disconnect before buying top-up service.
4. We will deliver V-Bucks to your account ASAP(10 mins - 1 hour). Enjoy the game!

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "WOW Classic SOD Boosting".

2. Select the boosting requirements and details you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Enter your Account Email, Password then click "Buy Now".

4. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. 5. After paying successfully, please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login. You can check the order status under "Order History".

6. After all is done, we will change the order status to "Wow SOD Boosting Completed" and email you. You are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "Last Epoch Boosting".

2. Select the boosting requirements and details you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Enter your Steam Account, Steam Password and Character Name then click "Buy Now".

4. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out.

5. After paying successfully, please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login. You can check the order status under "Order History".

6. After all is done, we will change the order status to "Boosting Completed" and email you. You are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed.

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haga clic en el botón "Monedas MT NBA 2K23".

2. Elija su consola y la cantidad de monedas MT que necesita, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

3. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar. Después de pagar con éxito, las monedas MT se agregarán a su saldo de miembro de M8X.

4. Elija "Retirar" y haga clic en el saldo de monedas MT.

5. Elija "Subasta de jugadores" y haga clic en el botón "Ir".

6. Subaste su propia tarjeta en el mercado de transferencias del juego, establezca la duración de la subasta en 24 horas, establezca el precio inicial como un número aleatorio y establezca el precio de compra inmediata en 100K. Complete la información del jugador en el formulario según sea necesario y haga clic en "Enviar".

7. Verifique el estado de la orden de retiro en "Historial de entrega". Espere un momento hasta que compremos su tarjeta de jugador, luego inicie sesión para recoger sus monedas.

Cada tarjeta de jugador solo puede publicar 100 000 monedas MT como máximo. Debe publicar dos o más jugadores si está comprando más de 100K.

Delivery: 0-12H/100K
Security: ★★★★★
Inform: Email.

A. Leave 5000 coins at least in your account.
B. Don't login to your game account during delivery.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "FC 25 Coins".

2. Choose your console and the number of FC 25 coins you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, FUT coins will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Click "Get Coins" at the top right, find your order, and click "Get Coins".

5. Choose "Comfort Trade 6.0 On WEB APP" transfer method. Type your correct Origin account information below, then click "Submit". It will take minutes to verify your account, please wait patiently.

6. Check the withdrawal order status on "Delivery History". Please wait for a while until we complete the delivery, then log in to collect your coins.

Delivery: 0-24Hours
Security: ★★★★★
Inform: Email.

Please set the player's price and duration exactly as per the info provided by us.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click the "FC 25 Coins" button.

2. Choose your console and the number of FC 25 coins you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, FUT coins will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Click "Withdraw" at the top right, find your order, and click "Withdraw".

5. Choose "Player Auction 6.0".

6. Scroll down, type your EA account's current coins amount, click "Search" and get the search condition, and buy one of the eligible players in the game, then click "Next".

7. List the player you just bought on transfer market and set the player's price and duration exactly as per the information provided by us, then click "I Have Done".

8. Fill in your listed player's name and select the right one, then click "Search". Our system will locate player cards automatically. Please confirm and choose the card listed by you, then click "Buy Now".
*Real Cost*:
It means how many coins you can withdraw from this transfer process. We only cover 5% EA tax. Please note that the cost you used to buy the player is excluded.

9. Please wait for a while till we buy your player card, then log in to collect your coins.
You can repeat this process to withdraw more coins.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "DIABLO 4 Gold".

2. Choose your server season5 SC or Eternal SC and the number of Diablo 4 Gold you need, and click "Buy Now".

3. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. After paying successfully, Gold will be added to your M8X member balance.

4. Choose "Withdraw" and click Diablo 4 Gold balance.

5. Choose "DIABLO Withdraw", and click the "Go" button.

6. Fill in the information in the form as required and click "Submit".

7. After submission, you will receive in-game contact information from the trader within the agreed-upon online time period and then complete the delivery. You can check the withdrawal order status under "Delivery History".

8. After you receive the Diablo 4 Gold, we will change the order status to "Delivery Completed", you are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed.

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haz clic en el botón "DIABLO 4 Items".

2. Elija un artículo que desee comprar y haga clic en "Buy Now".

3. Ingrese su nombre de personaje, BattleTag, tiempo en línea y la cantidad del artículo, luego haga clic en "Buy Now".

4. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar.

5. Después de pagar con éxito, recibirá información de contacto en el juego del comerciante dentro del período de tiempo en línea acordado y luego completará la entrega. Puede comprobar el estado del pedido en "Historial de pedidos". No dude en comunicarse con nosotros a través de Live Chat para obtener ayuda durante el proceso.

6. Después de recibir los artículos de Diablo 4, cambiaremos el estado del pedido a "Delivery Completed". Puede dejar sus comentarios una vez que se complete el pedido.

1. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de miembro antes de realizar un pedido (regístrese si no tiene una). Haz clic en el botón "DIABLO 4 Powerleveling".

2. Ingrese su nivel de inicio y el nivel deseado, o elija el paquete de nivelación que desea por categoría, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

3. Ingrese el correo electrónico de su cuenta, la contraseña, el nombre del personaje y su plataforma de juego, luego haga clic en "Comprar ahora".

4. Elija su método de pago preferido y proceda a pagar.

5. Después de pagar con éxito, contáctenos a través de Live Chat, necesitaremos un código de verificación para iniciar sesión. Puede comprobar el estado del pedido en "Historial de pedidos".

6. Una vez hecho todo, cambiaremos el estado del pedido a "D4 Powerleveling Completed" y le enviaremos un correo electrónico. Le invitamos a dejar sus comentarios después de completar el pedido.

1. Select your platform and order amount, then provide us with your EPIC account Email, and password on the pop-up. Then complete the payment.

Attention: You can get your EPIC account email on official website. Players on PS4 can purchase V-Bucks on PC if the account is associated with PC platform.

2. After payment, Please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login.

1. Xbox users please associate your account with Epic. You can do this here.
2. Wait for top-up and do not log in to your account until your order status is marked as "Delivery Completed" to guarantee smooth delivery service. (You can check the order status in your M8X account.) Unauthorized login will lead to Top Up failure. We will not be able to help you in this case. Thanks for understanding.
3. Players with connected Facebook or Google accounts must disconnect before buying top-up service.
4. We will deliver V-Bucks to your account ASAP(10 mins - 1 hour). Enjoy the game!

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "WOW Classic SOD Boosting".

2. Select the boosting requirements and details you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Enter your Account Email, Password then click "Buy Now".

4. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out. 5. After paying successfully, please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login. You can check the order status under "Order History".

6. After all is done, we will change the order status to "Wow SOD Boosting Completed" and email you. You are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "Last Epoch Boosting".

2. Select the boosting requirements and details you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Enter your Steam Account, Steam Password and Character Name then click "Buy Now".

4. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out.

5. After paying successfully, please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login. You can check the order status under "Order History".

6. After all is done, we will change the order status to "Boosting Completed" and email you. You are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed.

1. Please login to your member account before placing an order (please register if you don't have one). Click "CoD MW3 Boosting".

2. Select your platform and the boosting requirements and details you need, then click "Buy Now".

3. Enter your Account and Password then click "Buy Now".

4. Choose your preferred payment method and proceed to check out.

5. After paying successfully, please contact us via Live Chat, we will need verification code for login. You can check the order status under "Order History".

6. After all is done, we will change the order status to "Boosting Completed" and email you. You are welcome to leave your feedback after the order is completed.

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